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🎉🎉G R A T U L A T I O N ! 🎉🎉

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Our students wrote the eighth-grade exam FOR MEDAL ❗🥇 We are proud to rush with the news – our students achieved great results in the eighth grade exam!👌🙂 Just take a look at the graph and compare the averages in each subject of our students against the results of the country, province and city…. Bravo! […]

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Perfect weather 🌞⛱️

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great company 🧍‍♀️🧍 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, delicious food 🍒🍓🍉, great fun 🎾⚽️🏒….That’s how today’s 🌷 FAMILY PICNIC 2024 at MSP 🌳 looked like in a nutshell. Thank you to all the Students ❤️, Parents ❤️ and Teachers ❤️ who gave their best 💪 and contributed to today’s great atmosphere at the picnic – together we make a […]

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We invite elementary school students and high school students to participate in the XV REGIONAL RECITATORIAL COMPETITION OF POETRY AND PROSE IN ENGLISH “SZEKSPIRIADA 2024”, which will be held on April 18, 2024 at the International Elementary School in Zabrze.

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The event is under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Zabrze Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik. Details can be found in the attached regulations and on the poster. Information about the contest can also be found on the Facebook profiles of the International Elementary School and the International High School in Zabrze. You are cordially invited!

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The hunt for technological treasures –

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The Treasure Hunt for Technology 2024 took place for the third time thanks to the cooperation of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, the Department of Organization and Management, the International High School in Zabrze and the International Elementary School in Zabrze. This time 7 teams from 💪Zabrze, 💪Gliwice and 💪Rybnik competed […]