The Foundation of the International Primary School in Zabrze is based on 25 years of experience in the educational field. International Primary School in Zabrze. A non-public school is entered in the register of educational institutions under the number III-25.2015. The rights of the public school and the positive recommendation of the Board of Education guarantee the implementation of the Polish core curriculum in line with the current regulations of the Ministry of National Education. At the same time, the British core curriculum is implemented, the elements of which are successively introduced into the weekly schedule of classes.

International Primary School in Zabrze – International Primary School in Zabrze is a private school entered in the register of educational institutions under the number III-25.2015. The rights of the public school and the positive recommendation of the Board of Education guarantee the implementation of the Polish core curriculum in line with the current regulations of the Ministry of National Education. At the same time, the British core curriculum is implemented, the elements of which are successively introduced into the weekly schedule of classes.

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Parent meeting for grade I
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To meet the challenges posed by innovative education of the 21st century, we introduce blended learning solutions by implementing the e-student program at the level of everyday educational activities. E-class is based not only on the use of the e-journal, but above all on the use of e-textbooks as part of the use of the latest solutions in the field of Information and Computer Technologies (ICT). Currently conducted studies illustrating the so-called The “teaching curve” place our national education system on the high 10th position in the world and the British system on the 6th position. The solutions we propose are the synergy of traditional teaching methods with the latest trends in education based on the use of ICT equipment.

Language workshops in the UK and summer integration and language camps are the result of a combination of business and pleasure. During the school year, students in grades IV-VI will have the opportunity to verify their knowledge of history, culture and everyday life in Great Britain every year by participating in educational and language workshops organized by our school. All students, grades 1-6, do not have to part with the language adventure during the summer holidays.

“It's very good opportunity for me to write something about the school. First of all thanks of school management who gave me the opportunity.In the school, there is user friendly environment by which student and teacher interface positively with each other and overall outcome from discussion is fruitful in terms of clarity on students weakness and stongness.
And, accordingly teacher give the treatment to the student means as like Dr. and Patient. During 1 year duration, I have seen a lot of improvements in my child. Means now she is able to speak in English as well as Polish. She also able to understand what's good and bad things for her. I am from India and as a foreigner the treatment given by the school management and teachers is very helpful for me to adjust with New city and new people.
Best Regards,”
“To jest przedszkole inne niż wszystkie 🙂 Dzieciaki nigdy się nie nudzą 😉 Zawsze chętnie wstają by szybko iść do swojego przedszkola 🙂 kochają swoje Panie - a Panie kochają swoich łobuzów 😉 wielkie dzięki dla całego teamu Językowa Akademia Przedszkolaka "Magic Fairyland"
“Językowa Akademia Przedszkolaka "Magic Fairyland" Love to come back again in the near future. Hugs to all of you ❤”
“Obaj synowie uczęszczali do przedszkola.Jestem bardzo zadowolona z ich osiągnięć jak i całej kadry pedagogicznej.To co niewątpliwie charakteryzuje przedszkole to indywidualne podejście do dzieci. Wzmacnianie ich mocnych stron i pomoc w pokonywaniu trudności.Nauka języka angielskiego przychodzi dzieciom z ogromną łatwością i to często my rodzice musimy nadrabiać zaległości.”
“Moje dziecko uczęszczało do Językowej Akademii Przedszkolaka przez dwa lata.Przez ten okres dziecko bardzo się rozwinęło emocjonalnie - stało się bardzie otwarte na kontakty z innymi dziećmi. Pozytywne jest również to, że zajęcia odbywają się w dwóch językach, dziecko ma okazje nauczyć się języka. Bardzo miłe i sympatyczne panie nauczycielki, które maja dobry kontakt z dziećmi jak i z rodzicami :)”